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"The best road maps to human bodies are in the bodies of other animals.”
–Neil Shubin, author ‘Your Inner Fish’


USC offers a variety of paleosciences courses encompassing human biology & evolution, evolutionary & functional anatomy, and geobiology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We emphasize team teaching and active learning across an integrated curriculum to promote better critical thinking and evidence-based learning. In addition to training our graduate students in anatomy, I also teach in our Medical Microanatomy (Histology) course where I am the course director, and I've team-taught other lab- and field-based geobio and paleosciences electives as a teaching associate at other universities, including CSUSB, University of Washington (UW), and University of Utah (U of U).

Are you a prospective graduate or undergraduate student interested in paleosciences programs at USC? Learn about our integrative training programs and collaborative research at USC Paleosciences, Geobiology, and Integrative & Evolutionary Biology.

University of Southern California

  • Keck School of Medicine of USC: Microanatomy Curriculum for Years 1 & 2 Medical Students

  • The Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences is now accepting applications for our new Master of Science program in Human Anatomical Sciences. Course offerings can be found here.

  • USC Dornsife College & HEB undergraduate students seeking lab research opportunities: Please contact me by email for questions regarding BISC 490/590 'Directed Study' credits (

Prior Teaching

  • U of U, Computational Paleophysiology, BIO 5665/6665; GEO 5665/6665: 2015

  • UW, Vertebrate Biology, BIOL 452: 2011–2013

  • UW, Vertebrate Paleontology, BIOL 450: 2010, 2012

  • UW, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, BIOL 453: 2008–2009, 2011–2012

  • CSUSB, Human Anatomy & Physiology (cadaver-based), BIOL 223: 2005–2008

  • CSUSB, Introductory Biology Courses, BIOL 100, 200, 202: 2005–2008

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