"The best road maps to human bodies are in the bodies of other animals.”
–Neil Shubin, author ‘Your Inner Fish’
USC offers a variety of paleosciences courses encompassing human biology & evolution, evolutionary & functional anatomy, and geobiology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We emphasize team teaching and active learning across an integrated curriculum to promote better critical thinking and evidence-based learning. In addition to training our graduate students in anatomy, I also teach in our Medical Microanatomy (Histology) course where I am the course director, and I've team-taught other lab- and field-based geobio and paleosciences electives as a teaching associate at other universities, including CSUSB, University of Washington (UW), and University of Utah (U of U).
Are you a prospective graduate or undergraduate student interested in paleosciences programs at USC? Learn about our integrative training programs and collaborative research at USC Paleosciences, Geobiology, and Integrative & Evolutionary Biology.
University of Southern California
Keck School of Medicine of USC: Microanatomy Curriculum for Years 1 & 2 Medical Students
The Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences is now accepting applications for our new Master of Science program in Human Anatomical Sciences. Course offerings can be found here.
USC Dornsife College & HEB undergraduate students seeking lab research opportunities: Please contact me by email for questions regarding BISC 490/590 'Directed Study' credits (huttenlo@usc.edu)
Prior Teaching
U of U, Computational Paleophysiology, BIO 5665/6665; GEO 5665/6665: 2015
UW, Vertebrate Biology, BIOL 452: 2011–2013
UW, Vertebrate Paleontology, BIOL 450: 2010, 2012
UW, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, BIOL 453: 2008–2009, 2011–2012
CSUSB, Human Anatomy & Physiology (cadaver-based), BIOL 223: 2005–2008
CSUSB, Introductory Biology Courses, BIOL 100, 200, 202: 2005–2008