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Current Position

Associate Professor                                                                  

Department of Integrative Anatomical Sciences  

University of Southern California  

1333 San Pablo St., Los Angeles CA 90033

Born: August 3, 1982, Wailuku, Hawai'i

Citizenship: American



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2013–2016      NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow

                         University of Utah (U of U), Salt Lake City, UT

                         National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology (DBI-1309040)

                         Supervisor: C. G. Farmer, U of U

2013                 Ph.D. Biology

                         University of Washington, Seattle (UW)

                         Dissertation: Paleobiology of Therocephalian Synapsids (Amniota) and the

                         Effects of the End-Permian Extinction on Size, Growth and Bone Microstructure

                         Supervisor: Christian Sidor

2008                 M.S. Biology

                         California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB)

                         Thesis: Comparative Osteohistology of Hyperelongate Neural Spines in Basal

                         Synapsids (Vertebrata: Amniota): Growth and Mechanical Considerations   

                         Supervisor: Stuart Sumida

2005                 B.A. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology with Geology minor

                         University of Colorado, Boulder (CU)




  • 50. Huttenlocker, A. K., R. Douglass, J. Lungmus, K. Oliver, J. D. Pardo, and B. J. Small. (In press). Report of a diverse fossil vertebrate assemblage in the Maroon Formation (Carboniferous-Permian), Eagle County, Colorado, U.S.A. For Annals of Carnegie Museum.

  • 49. Stine, J. M., Feinberg, J. M., Huttenlocker, A. K., Irmis, R. B., Ramirez, D., Doctor, R., ... & Tabor, N. J. (2024). Paleozoic Equatorial Records of Melting Ice Ages (PERMIA): calibrating the pace of paleotropical environmental and ecological change during Earth's previous icehouse. Scientific Drilling, 33(2), 109-128. doi:

  • 48. Mueller, B. D., Small, B. J., Jenkins, X., Huttenlocker, A. K., & Chatterjee, S. (2024). Cranial anatomy of Libognathus sheddi Small, 1997 (Parareptilia, Procolophonidae) from the Upper Triassic Dockum Group of West Texas, USA. The Anatomical Record, 307(4), 1421-1441. doi:


  • 47. Mueller, B. D., Huttenlocker, A. K., Small, B. J., Pinto, J. L., Dean-Wallace, K., & Chatterjee, S. (2023). A new kannemeyeriiform dicynodont (Synapsida) from a late Triassic vertebrate assemblage in West Texas, USA. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e2255236. doi: [Featured Cover Article]

  • 46. Henrici, A., D. S Berman, A. K. Huttenlocker, and S. S. Sumida. (2023). Halgaitosaurus gregarious, a new upper Carboniferous araeoscelidian (Reptilia: Diapsida) from the Halgaito Formation, Bears Ears National Monument, Utah, U.S.A. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 88, 161-192. doi:


  • 45. Bowler, N., Sumida, S. S., & Huttenlocker, A. K. (2022). Histological evidence for dermal-endochondral co-ossification of the dorsal blades in the late Paleozoic amphibian Platyhystrix rugosus (Temnospondyli: Dissorophidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e2144338. doi:

  • 44. Huttenlocker, A. K., Botha, J., Browning, C., Kulik, Z., Tshibalanganda, M., & du Plessis, A. (2022). A Gulliver Scaloposaurus (Therapsida, Therocephalia) from the Katberg Formation of South Africa and its implication for Lilliput assemblages during the Early Triassic recovery. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 196, 104720. doi:

  • 43. Sidor, C. A., Kulik, Z. T., & Huttenlocker, A. K. (2022). A new bauriamorph therocephalian adds a novel component to the Lower Triassic tetrapod assemblage of the Fremouw Formation (Transantarctic Basin) of Antarctica. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 41(6), e2081510. doi:


  • 42. Huttenlocker, A. K., S. Singh, A. C. Henrici, and S. S. Sumida. (2021). A Carboniferous synapsid with caniniform teeth and a reappraisal of mandibular size-shape heterodonty in the origin of mammals. Royal Society Open Science 8:211237. doi:

  • 41. Gee, B., D. S Berman, A. C. Henrici, J. D. Pardo, and A. K. Huttenlocker. (2021). New information on the dissorophid Conjunctio (Temnospondyli) based on a specimen from the Cutler Formation of Colorado, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 40(6):e1877152. doi:

  • 40. Huttenlocker, A. K., Henderson, C. M., Berman, D. S., Elrick, S. D., Henrici, A. C., and Nelson, W. J. (2021). Carboniferous–Permian conodonts and the age of the lower Cutler Group in the Bears Ears National Monument and vicinity, Utah, USA. Lethaia 54(3):330-340. doi:



  • 39. Huttenlocker, A. K., and Sidor, C. A. 2020. A basal nonmammaliaform cynodont from the Permian of Zambia and the origins of mammalian endocranial and postcranial anatomy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 40:e1827413. doi:

  • 38. Soreghan, G.S., Beccaletto, L., Benison, K.C., Bourquin, S., Feulner, G., Hamamura, N., Hamilton, M., Heavens, N.G., Hinnov, L., A. K. Huttenlocker, and Looy, C. 2020. Report on ICDP Deep Dust workshops: probing continental climate of the late Paleozoic icehouse–greenhouse transition and beyond. Scientific Drilling 28: 93-112. doi:

  • 37. Botha, J., Huttenlocker, A. K., Smith, R. M., Prevec, R., Viglietti, P., & Modesto, S. P. (2020). New geochemical and palaeontological data from the Permian-Triassic boundary in the South African Karoo Basin test the synchronicity of terrestrial and marine extinctions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 540:109467. doi:

  • 36. Cubo, J., and A. K. Huttenlocker. (2020). Introduction to Vertebrate Palaeophysiology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 375: 20190130. doi:

  • 35. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. Shelton. (2020). Bone histology of varanopids (Synapsida) from Richards Spur, Oklahoma, sheds light on growth patterns and lifestyle in early terrestrial colonizers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 375: 20190142. doi:

  • 34. Kato, K. M., E. A. Rega, C. A. Sidor, and A. K. Huttenlocker. (2020). Investigation of a bone lesion in a gorgonopsian (Synapsida) from the Permian of Zambia and periosteal reactions in fossil nonmammalian tetrapods. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 375: 20190144. doi:

  • 33. Gay, R. J., Huttenlocker, A. K., Irmis, R. B., Stegner, M. A., and Uglesich, J. (2020). Paleontology of Bears Ears National Monument (Utah, USA). Geology of the Intermountain West 7: 205-241.


  • 32. Schachner, E. R., R. B. Irmis, A. K. Huttenlocker, R. K. Sanders, R. L. Cieri, and S. J. Nesbitt. (2019). Osteology of the Late Triassic bipedal archosaur Poposaurus gracilis (Archosauria, Pseudosuchia) from western North America. The Anatomical Record. doi: 10.1002/ar.24298

  • 31. Crane, M. A., K. M. Kato, B. A. Patel, and A. K. Huttenlocker. (2019). Histovariability in clavicular cortical bone microstructure and its mechanical implications. Journal of Anatomy 235:873–882. doi:10.1111/joa.13056 [Featured Cover Article, volume 252, issue 5]

  • 30. Pardo, J. D., B. J. Small, A. R. Milner, and A. K. Huttenlocker. (2019). Carboniferous-Permian climate change constrained early land vertebrate radiations. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3(2):200–206. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0776-z


  • 29. Huttenlocker, A. K., D. M. Grossnickle, J. I. Kirkland, J. A. Schultz, and Z.-X. Luo. 2018. Late-surviving stem mammal links the lowermost Cretaceous of North America and Gondwana. Nature 558:108–112. 10.1038/s41586-018-0126-y

  • 28. Huttenlocker, A. K., D. S. Berman, S. Elrick, A. Henrici, W. J. Nelson, T. Schlotterbeck, and S. Sumida. 2018. A multitaxic bonebed near the Carboniferous-Permian boundary (Halgaito Formation, Cutler Group) in Valley of the Gods, Utah, USA: Vertebrate paleontology and taphonomy . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 499:72–92. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.03.017


  • 27. Huttenlocker, A. K., and R. M. H. Smith. 2017. New whaitsioids (Therapsida: Therocephalia) from the Teekloof Formation of South Africa and therocephalian diversity during the end-Guadalupian extinction. PeerJ 5:e3868. doi:10.7717/peerj.3868

  • 26. Pardo, J. D., B. J. Small, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2017. Stem caecilian from the Triassic of Colorado sheds light on the origins of Lissamphibia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114:201706752. doi:10.1073/pnas.1706752114 [Top 10 New Fossils of 2017, PLOS]

  • 25. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. G. Farmer. 2017. Bone microvasculature tracks red blood cell size diminution in Triassic mammal and dinosaur forerunners. Current Biology 27:48–54. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.10.01

  • 24. Codron, J., J. Botha-Brink, D. Codron, A. K. Huttenlocker, and K. D. Angielczyk. 2017. Predator-prey interactions among Permo-Triassic terrestrial vertebrates as a deterministic factor influencing faunal collapse and turnover. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30:40–54. doi:10.1111/jeb.12983


  • 23. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. A. Sidor. 2016. The first karenitid (Therapsida, Therocephalia) from the upper Permian of Gondwana and the biogeography of Permo-Triassic therocephalians. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36:e1111897. doi:10.1080/02724634.2016.1111897

  • 22. Botha-Brink, J., D. Codron, A. K. Huttenlocker, K. D. Angielczyk, and M. Ruta. 2016. Breeding young as a survival strategy during Earth’s greatest mass extinction. Scientific Reports 6:srep24053. doi:10.1038/srep24053

  • 21. Huttenlocker, A. K., and F. Abdala. 2016. Revision of the first therocephalian, Theriognathus Owen (Therapsida: Whatsiidae), and implications for cranial ontogeny and allometry in nonmammaliaform eutheriodonts. Journal of Paleontology 89:645–664. doi:10.1017/jpa.2015.32


  • 20. Huttenlocker, A. K., C. A. Sidor, and K. D. Angielczyk. 2015. A new eutherocephalian from the upper Madumabisa Mudstone Formation (Upper Permian) of Zambia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35:e969400. doi:10.1080/02724634.2015.969400


  • 19. Pardo, J. D., A. K. Huttenlocker, and B. J. Small. 2014. An exceptionally preserved transitional lungfish from the Lower Permian of Nebraska, USA, and the origin of modern lungfishes. PLOS ONE 9:e108542. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108542

  • 18. Sidor, C. A., R. M. H. Smith, A. K. Huttenlocker, and B. R. Peecook. 2014. New Middle Triassic tetrapods from the upper Fremouw Formation of Antarctica and their depositional setting. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34:793–801. doi:10.1080/02724634.2014.837472

  • 17. Huttenlocker, A. K., and J. Botha-Brink. 2014. Bone microstructure and the evolution of growth patterns in Permo-Triassic therocephalians (Amniota, Therapsida) of South Africa. PeerJ 2:e325. doi:10.7717/peerj.325

  • 16. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2014. Body size reductions in nonmammalian eutheriodont therapsids (Synapsida) during the end-Permian mass extinction. PLOS ONE 9:e87553. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087553 [Top 25% Most Cited Articles in PLOS ONE, 2017]


  • 15. Sidor, C., D. Vilhena, K. Angielczyk, A. Huttenlocker, S. Nesbitt, B. Peecook, S. Steyer, R. Smith, & L. Tsuji. 2013. Provincialization of terrestrial faunas following the end-Permian mass extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110:8129–8133. doi:10.1073/pnas.1302323110

  • 14. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. D. Pardo, B. J. Small, and J. S. Anderson. 2013. Cranial morphology of recumbirostrans from the Permian of Kansas and Nebraska, and early morphological evolution inferred by micro-computed tomography. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33:540–552. doi:10.1080/02724634.2013.728998

  • 13. Huttenlocker, A. K., and J. Botha-Brink. 2013. Body size and growth patterns in the therocephalian Moschorhinus (Therapsida) before and after the end-Permian extinction in South Africa. Paleobiology 39:253–277. doi:10.1666/12020


  • 12. Rega, E. K. Noriega, S. S. Sumida, A. Huttenlocker, A. Lee, and Brett Kennedy. 2012. Healed fractures in the neural spines of an associated skeleton of Dimetrodon: Implications for dorsal sail morphology and function. Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences (2012):104–111.

  • 11. Sigurdsen, T., A. K. Huttenlocker, S. P. Modesto, T. Rowe, and R. Damiani. 2012. Reassessment of the morphology and paleobiology of the therocephalian Tetracynodon darti (Therapsida), and the phylogenetic relationships of Baurioidea. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32:1113–1134.

  • 10. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. A. Sidor. 2012. Taxonomic revision of therocephalians (Therapsida) from Antarctica. American Museum Novitates 3738:1–19.


  • 9. May, W., A. K. Huttenlocker, J. D. Pardo, J. Benca, and B. J. Small. 2011. New Upper Pennsylvanian armored dissorophid records (Temnospondyli: Dissorophoidea) from the US midcontinent and the stratigraphic distributions of dissorophids. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31:907–912.

  • 8. Huttenlocker, A. K., D. Mazierski, and R. Reisz. 2011. Comparative osteohistology of hyperelongate neural spines in the Edaphosauridae (Amniota: Synapsida). Palaeontology 54:573–590.

  • 7. Huttenlocker, A. K., C. A. Sidor, and R. M. H. Smith. 2011. A new specimen of Promoschorhynchus (Therapsida: Therocephalia: Akidnognathidae) from the lowermost Triassic of South Africa and its implications for theriodont survivorship across the Permo-Triassic boundary. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31:405–421.




  • 6. Huttenlocker, A. K., E. Rega, and S. Sumida. 2010. Comparative anatomy and osteohistology of hyperelongate neural spines in the sphenacodontids Sphenacodon and Dimetrodon (Amniota: Synapsida). Journal of Morphology 271:1407–1421.

  • 5. Pardo, J. D., B. J. Small, A. K. Huttenlocker, and M. A. Gorman II.  2010.  The cranial anatomy of a new genus of lungfish from the Morrison Formation of North America.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30:1352–1359.




  • 4. Huttenlocker, A. K.  2009.  An investigation into the cladistic relationships and monophyly of therocephalian therapsids (Amniota: Synapsida).  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157:865–891.




  • 3. Pardo, J. D., A. K. Huttenlocker, and J. Marcot. 2008. Stratocladistics and evaluation of evolutionary modes in the fossil record: an example from the ammonite genus Semiformiceras. Palaeontology 51:767–773.

  • 2. Englehorn, J., B. J. Small, and A. Huttenlocker. 2008. Anatomy and relationships of Acroplous vorax (Amphibia: Dvinosauroidea): new specimens from the Lower Permian of Nebraska and Kansas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(2):291–305.




  • 1. Huttenlocker, A. K., B. J. Small, and J. Pardo. 2007. Plemmyradytes shintoni gen. et sp. nov., an Early Permian amphibamid (Temnospondyli: Dissorophoidea) from the Eskridge Formation, Nebraska. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(2):316–328


  • 6. Cubo, J. and A. K. Huttenlocker. (2020). Vertebrate Palaeophysiology. Special Issue: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

  • 5. Botha-Brink, J., A. K. Huttenlocker, and S. P. Modesto. (2014). Vertebrate Paleontology of Nooitgedacht 68: A Lystrosaurus maccaigi-rich Permo-Triassic Boundary locality in South Africa. In Early Evolutionary History of the Synapsida – Eds., C. Kammerer, K. Angielczyk, and J. Frobisch. Springer.

  • 4. Huttenlocker, A. K., H. N. Woodward, and B. K. Hall. (2013). Chapter 1: Biology of Bone. In Bone Histology of Fossil Tetrapods: Issues, Methods, and Databases – Eds., K. Padian and E.-T. Lamm. University of California Press.

  • 3. Lee, A. H., Huttenlocker, A. K., K. Padian, and H. N. Woodward. (2013). Chapter 8: Analysis of Growth Rates. In Bone Histology of Fossil Tetrapods: Issues, Methods, and Databases – Eds., K. Padian and E.-T. Lamm. University of California Press.

  • 2. Huttenlocker, A. K., and E. Rega. (2012). Chapter 4: The Paleobiology and Bone Microstructure of Pelycosaurian-grade Synapsids. Pp. 90–119 in A. Chinsamy (ed.) Forerunners of Mammals: Radiation, Histology, Biology. Indiana University Press.

  • 1. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. D. Pardo, and B. J. Small. (2005). An Earliest Permian Nonmarine Vertebrate Assemblage from the Eskridge Formation, Nebraska. Pp. 133–143 in S. G. Lucas and K. E. Ziegler (eds.) The Nonmarine Permian: Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science 30.


  • 51. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2020 (submitted). Progress toward constraining Carboniferous-Permian vertebrate biochronology in westernmost Pangea. Geological Society of America South-Central Section Meeting, Fort Worth.

  • 50. J. Botha, R. M. H. Smith, A. K. Huttenlocker, R. Prevec, and P. Viglietti. 2019. The Permo-Triassic mass extinction on land: a review of Karoo Basin studies. 11th North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside.

  • 49. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. Botha, and R. M. H. Smith. 2019. An adult specimen of Scaloposaurus (Therapsida, Therocephalia) from South Africa and size-age structure in Lilliputian assemblages of the Triassic recovery. 11th North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside.

  • 48. So, C., A. M. Kufner, A. K. Huttenlocker, J. D. Pardo, and D. M. Lovelace. 2019. Micro-computed tomography unveils Triassic stereospondyls encased within their burrows. Tomography for Scientific Advancement 6th Annual Conference, Gainesville.

  • 47. Huttenlocker, A. K., D. S. Berman, A. C. Henrici, J. Jung, J. Pardo, T. Schlotterbeck, and S. Sumida. 2018. Terrestrial life elevated: New data on Carboniferous-Permian vertebrate biochronology in southeastern Utah its global implications. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 78th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque.

  • 46. Henrici, A., D. S. Berman, S. Sumida, A. K. Huttenlocker, and T. Schlotterbeck. 2018. The late Pennsylvanian Birthday Bonebed from the Halgaito Formation of Valley of the Gods, southeastern Utah: collection, preparation, and photo documentation. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 78th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque.

  • 45. So, C., D. Lovelace, A. K. Huttenlocker, and J. D. Pardo. 2018. Unusual fossorial stereospondyl from the Triassic of Wyoming with implications for the origins of Gymnophiona. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 78th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque.

  • 44. Kato, K., E. Rega, C. A. Sidor, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2018. Periosteal reaction in a gorgonopsian radius: Insights into the evolution of mammalian healing responses. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 78th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque.

  • 43. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2018. Application of CPL microscopy to characterize diverse bone tissue textures in basal amniotes. 5th International Palaeontological Congress, Paris.

  • 42. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2018. Synapsids inside out: Perspectives on the origins of mammalian physiology from histology and computed tomography. Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa 20th Biennial Conference, Bloemfontein. (Invited keynote talk)

  • 41. Kato, K., E. Rega, C. A. Sidor, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2018. Bone lesion in a gorgonopsian fossil from the Permian of Zambia: Periosteal reaction in a premammalian synapsid. Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa 20th Biennial Conference, Bloemfontein.

  • 40. Huttenlocker, A. K., D. Grossnickle, J. Schultz, J. Kirkland, and Z.-X. Luo. 2018. First hahnodontid cranium from North America sheds light on haramiyidan mammaliaform evolution and biogeography. Conference on Mesozoic Mammals, Beijing Natural History Museum, Beijing.

  • 39. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. D. Pardo, D. S. Berman, and A. C. Henrici. 2017. New dissorophoids from the Carboniferous-Permian of Colorado, USA. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 77th Annual Meeting, Calgary.

  • 38. Lovelace, D., A. K. Huttenlocker, J. D. Pardo, A. M. Kufner, G. Chen, and K. Li. 2017. The first Late Triassic temnospondyl mass-mortality localities from the Popo Agie Formation, Fremont County, Wyoming. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 77th Annual Meeting, Calgary.

  • 37. Small, B. J., J. D. Pardo, J. K. Lungmus, R. J. Douglass, T. Schlotterbeck, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2017. The first vertebrate body fossils from the Carboniferous-Permian Maroon Formation, Colorado, USA. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 77th Annual Meeting, Calgary.

  • 36. Dean, M., N. Schultz, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2017. Understanding the mechanical stresses of sexually selected structures; is baculum remodeling influenced by the frequency of sex? American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology, Chicago.

  • 35. Huttenlocker, A. K., D. Grossnickle, J. Schultz, J. Kirkland, and Z.-X. Luo. 2016. A late-surviving stem mammal from the Cretaceous of Utah. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 76th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.

  • 34. Beightol, C. V., C. A. Sidor, J. Steyer, R. Smith, B. Peecook, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2016. Were gondwanan temnospondyls more endemic than contemporaneous amniotes during the Permian and Triassic? Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 76th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.

  • 33. Pardo, J. D., B. J. Small, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2016. A caecilian-like temnospondyl from the Triassic Chinle Formation of Colorado and its bearing on the origins of Lissamphibia. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 76th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.

  • 32. Rasmussen, C., A. K. Huttenlocker, and R. Irmis. 2016. A new species of Eryops from the lower Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone (Cutler Group) of southeastern Utah and its implications for the phylogeny and biogeography of eryopids. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 76th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.

  • 31. Farmer, C. G., A. K. Huttenlocker, C. Davis. 2016. Mathematical models and bone histology shed light on maximal aerobic capacities of both extinct and extant tetrapods. 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington.

  • 30. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. G. Farmer. 2015. Vascular correlates of red blood cell size and the evolution of synapsid bone microstructure. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 75th Annual Meeting, Dallas.

  • 29. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. G. Farmer. 2015. Vascular correlates of red blood cell size evolution in extant and fossil tetrapods. 3rd International Symposium of Paleohistology, Bonn.

  • 28. Huttenlocker, A. K., and C. G. Farmer. 2015. A phylogenetic perspective on the evolution of red blood cell sizes in terrestrial vertebrates. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach.

  • 27. Cieri, R., A. K. Huttenlocker, and C. G. Farmer. 2015. Traveling tactile toolboxes for teaching evolutionary biology to blind students. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach.

  • 26. Huttenlocker, A. K., C. Sidor, and K. Angielczyk. 2014. Therocephalians (Therapsida, Eutheriodontia) from the Upper Permian Madumabisa Mudstone of Zambia and their biogeographic implications. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 74th Annual Meeting, Berlin.

  • 25. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2013. The meaning and mechanism of ‘Lilliput’ patterns in nonmammalian therapsids during the end-Permian extinction. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 73rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. [Alfred S. Romer Prize Symposium Winner]

  • 24. Sidor, C., A. K. Huttenlocker, B. Peecook, R. Smith, and D. Vilhena. New data on the Middle Triassic tetrapods of Antarctica and faunal provincialization across southern Pangea. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 73rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles.

  • 23. Peecook, B., A. Huttenlocker, C. Sidor. 2013. Bone histology in new, early silesaurids (Dinosauriformes) from Zambia: Implications for the origins of dinosaurian growth patterns. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 73rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles.

  • 22. Beightol V, C., A. K. Huttenlocker, B. Peecook, C. Sidor, and R. Smith. 2013. A new basal stereospondyl (Temnospondyli) from the Lower Triassic Fremouw Formation of Antarctica. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 73rd Annual Meeting, Los Angeles.

  • 21. Huttenlocker, A. K., and J. Botha-Brink. 2013. Growth and ecological implications of bone microstructure in therocephalian therapsids (Synapsida) during the end-Permian extinction. 2nd International Symposium of Paleohistology, Bozeman.

  • 20. Benca, J., C. Strömberg, and A. Huttenlocker. 2013. Do leaf margin-climatic proxies exist for the Paleozoic? New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Carboniferous-Permian Transition Symposium, Albuquerque.

  • 19. Huttenlocker, A., C. Sidor, and J. Botha-Brink. 2012. Body size evolution in eutheriodont therapsids and the effects of the end-Permian extinction. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 72nd Annual Meeting, Raleigh.

  • 18. Huttenlocker, A., C. Sidor, and J. Botha-Brink. 2012. Do body size trends in nonmammalian therapsids reveal the influence of the end-Permian extinction? Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa 17th Biennial Conference, Cape Town.

  • 17. Huttenlocker, A., J. Pardo, B. Small, and J. Anderson. 2011. Gaining underground: new recumbirostrans from the Lower Permian of Kansas and Nebraska and early morphological evolution of the group inferred by micro-CT. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 71st Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.

  • 16. Sidor, C., R. Smith, A. Huttenlocker, B. Peecook, and W. Hammer. 2011. New information on the Triassic vertebrate faunas of Antarctica. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 71st Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.

  • 15. Sigurdsen, T., A. Huttenlocker, S. Modesto, T. Rowe, and R. Damiani. 2011. Reassessment of the morphology and paleobiology of the therocephalian Tetracynodon darti (Therapsida) based on CT-scanning, and the phylogenetic relationships of Baurioidea. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 71st Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.

  • 14. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. Botha-Brink, and C. A. Sidor. 2010. Bone histology and growth in the Permo-Triassic therocephalian Moschorhinus kitchingi (Synapsida: Therapsida) from the Karoo Basin of South Africa. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 70th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh.

  • 13. Huttenlocker, A. K. and J. Botha-Brink. 2010. Preliminary report on the bone microstructure and paleobiology of the Permo-Triassic therocephalian Moschorhinus (Therapsida: Eutheriodontia) from South Africa. Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa 16th Biennial Conference, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal.

  • 12. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2009. An earliest Triassic therocephalian (Therapsida: Eutheriodontia) with Permian affinities and a look at eutheriodont diversity through time: considering evolutionary rates in the problem of cynodont origins. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 69th Annual Meeting, Bristol, UK.

  • 11. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. D. Pardo, B. J. Small, and A. Milner. 2009. Vertebrate responses to climate change across Central Pangea. 1st International Congress of North African Vertebrate Paleontology, Marrakech, Morocco.

  • 10. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. D. Pardo, B. J. Small, and A. Milner. 2008. Biotic responses to climate change in the Permo-Carboniferous transition, Part 2: Beta diversity, regional responses, and Vaughn’s faunal cline. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 68th Annual Meeting, Cleveland.

  • 9. Pardo, J. D., A. K. Huttenlocker, B. J. Small, and A. Milner. 2008. Biotic responses to climate change in the Permo-Carboniferous transition, Part 1: Vertebrate faunal distributions and regional provincialism. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 68th Annual Meeting, Cleveland.

  • 8. Huttenlocker, A. K., and J. Marcot. 2007. The effects of phylogenetic augmentation on analyses of disparity: a case study on Permo-Triassic eutheriodonts (Amniota: Therapsida).  Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver.

  • 7. Huttenlocker, A. K., E. Rega, and S. Sumida. 2007. New histological investigations of hyperelongate neural spines in eupelycosaurs (Amniota: Synapsida) and the affinities of Lupeosaurus kayi.  Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 67th Annual Meeting, Austin.

  • 6. Huttenlocker, A. K. 2007. Recent insights into the evolution and development of ‘mammal-like reptiles’ (Amniota: Synapsida).  Western Interior Paleontological Society Founders Symposium, Golden.

  • 5. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. Marcot, and D. Fox. 2006. New insights into therocephalian phylogeny (Amniota: Therapsida): a comparison of stratigraphy-free and stratocladistic methods.  Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa 14th Biennial Conference, Johannesburg.

  • 4. Huttenlocker, A. K., K. Angielczyk, and A. Lee. 2006. Osteohistology of Sphenacodon (Synapsida: Sphenacodontidae) and the hidden diversity of growth patterns in basal synapsids.  Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 66th Annual Meeting, Ottawa.

  • 3. Small, B. J., J. D. Pardo, and A. K. Huttenlocker. 2006. Taxonomic diversity of estivating species in the lowest Permian of North America: onset of seasonality and comments on physiological plasticity.  Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 66th Annual Meeting, Ottawa.

  • 2. Huttenlocker, A. K., J. Pardo, and B. J. Small.  2005.  An earliest Permian nonmarine vertebrate assemblage from the Eskridge Formation (Council Grove Group), Nebraska.  New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Nonmarine Permian Symposium, Albuquerque.

  • 1. Huttenlocker, A. K.  2005.  Survivorship of cynodonts and therocephalians (Therapsida: Eutheriodontia) across the Permo-Triassic extinction boundary in South Africa: an analysis of ghost lineages.  Western Interior Paleontological Society Founders Symposium, Golden.

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